Typically no, you do not. While some merchants still offer fixed denominations, most allow you to choose the exact value of the gift card you are purchasing within an allowed range. You can purchase multiple gift cards at once on our website viewed on a desktop, the app allows one gift card per transaction for speed and easier checkout.
Here are some examples.
You want that new refrigerator at The Home Depot. You can enter any amount for your purchase up to $2000 in a single transaction. If your refrigerator is $2025.00, you can add a gift card for $2000 and another for $25.00 to your cart if you are viewing from a desktop browser. Purchase both in one transaction and then redeem them one at a time with the cashier.
If you are on the app, you would purchase one digital gift card for $2000, then purchase another for $25.00. In this scenario, you could immediately apply the cash back you earned on $2000 to pay toward the next gift card you purchase, immediately reducing your out of pocket expense.
If you want a couch at Macy's, you will need to purchase as many fixed denomination gift cards as needed to complete your sale.
We do try to notify you up front if there are special limits or circumstances on how many gift cards can be redeemed by a merchant in one transaction. For example, Delta Airlines only allows 3 payment methods (including gift cards) to be redeemed toward a single reservation. Please read any terms or conditions up front, or feel free to ask us if you are not sure.
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